Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Why must our school have so many new teachers just after one month of holiday? And changing teachers halfway through the year when we are already getting on so well with the teachers? Why must they spoil everything that had been so perfect? Now, I just totally don't like two out of three of the new teachers!I got my english, maths and history teacher changed. I find my english teacher boring. She is like not a teacher; she doesn't have that teacher face. My maths teacher is even worse. She talks with such a straight face that I am so very lucky that I had some self-control not to fall asleep during her lesson. But I seriously don't know how long my self-control can hold out. I am not even sure if my maths teacher even have the qualifications to be a teacher. She doesn't even speak our mathematical language! Suggest another alternative to her: she will look blur and pause momentarily looking so blur. Then she will go,"Alright, that's another alternative. Very good. It's good to see that you're thinking of other alternatives." I have a doubt:- does she even understand our alternatives???
I am okay with my history teacher. It is a good thing that she is not a transferred over teacher, not like the other two. I find her lessons much more lively and brain thinking then the other two. Lucky thing that not all the teachers are like so boring. But two out of three is still enough to spoil your day.
And here's the thing that I really need to scream and shout out: DON'T ASK ME TO DO WHAT I DON'T WANT TO! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT!
You should know what I mean.
Blogged Simply at 5:03 AM