Monday, July 27, 2009
There are like seven people who were absent from school today. It's just for the weekends that they don't attend school and poom, they fall sick. But lucky them, they do not have to go for drama class and ccm which actually sucked. For the latter, it was super boring.
Even the teachers also fell sick. Ms Pou has high fever. Hence, we were all slacking for the first period as there was no teacher. The class was chaotic but also very free. Chaotic in a sense that it was actually kind of noisy. And why do the boys have to clap whenever someone shouts :QUIET"?
English teacher also did not come. This is what I call 双喜临门. If the english teacher come, I may not even be able to post right now. I may be stuck someone in her class, unable to resist the power of her super boring lesson. So you can imagine the joy that went through me when it was made official that she did not come to school today.
Some subjects are very interesting and nice but all it has takes is for the teachers to spoil the whole thing. Experienced it before, still experiencing it now.
And yeah, I am now updating. It's not like I have the time to update everyday, have to study and those. So please stop asking me to update, and no copyrights,tolong!
Blogged Simply at 5:05 AM