Can you please aim for perfection in everything that you do? Complete things to the best of your abilities and do it with integrity. Are you even serious about whatever you are doing or do you just want to take the easy way out? What happened to the old you? You totally transformed into another person just after one month. Please, take pride in whatever you do. Be more enthusiastic about it. Don't keep saying I don't know. Do you have any idea how damn[expletive]infuriating and frustrating it is? Just one "I don't know" and you are washing your hands of it? Are you planning on claiming credit? Credit can only be claimed if hard work is given. Where is your hard work if you want credit? Everytime you just shake everything off and that's it? How can shoddy work be submitted and is it even presentable? the first place, where are you contributions? It is seriously[expletive]tiring to do everything by ownself. Can't you even take the initiative and help out a bit? Or are you thinking of not doing anything at all and that things will work out? I am telling you, it will not. So please, reflect.
There are like seven people who were absent from school today. It's just for the weekends that they don't attend school and poom, they fall sick. But lucky them, they do not have to go for drama class and ccm which actually sucked. For the latter, it was super boring. Even the teachers also fell sick. Ms Pou has high fever. Hence, we were all slacking for the first period as there was no teacher. The class was chaotic but also very free. Chaotic in a sense that it was actually kind of noisy. And why do the boys have to clap whenever someone shouts :QUIET"? English teacher also did not come. This is what I call 双喜临门. If the english teacher come, I may not even be able to post right now. I may be stuck someone in her class, unable to resist the power of her super boring lesson. So you can imagine the joy that went through me when it was made official that she did not come to school today. Some subjects are very interesting and nice but all it has takes is for the teachers to spoil the whole thing. Experienced it before, still experiencing it now. And yeah, I am now updating. It's not like I have the time to update everyday, have to study and those. So please stop asking me to update, and no copyrights,tolong!
Got back Science test today. Result was not that satisfying but then again, I can thank my lucky stars for the mark that I got. I totally did not know how to do at all. I answered most of the questions by luck, especially the last page. It was a life-saver. Have to complete a whole lot of projects. There are like three in a row and the deadline is next week. We only have one week to complete them which makes it utterly riidiculous and infuriating. Why can't the deadline be extended? This is the best that I can go. Just can't seem to find inspirations to blog about these days. School life is just so that predictable. Everyday wake up early, go to school then there's a lot of tests and homework given to us.It's like just barely a few days after the closure of a topic and a test is given on it. Are we treated as geniuses whose rate of absorption of all these information is that fast? We have to process whatever is taught to us and understand them first before we ready sit for tests. Can't expect us to produce good results within such a short time for processing. I think I will develop a fear of homework, projects and tests if this continues.
Blogged Simply at 5:07 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009
Went to visit JiaQi's blog. I was like OMG, is that your journal??? It's like super long and detailed. I never write until so long and detailed that I am wondering if I am writing too little... Change in the class committee. All was going well until there was sort of a dispute. Why did they have to question our votes? We voted for who we thought was a better choice and why must it all be questioned? Just because we didn't go along with you guys? I have no idea what lays ahead for the people of the class committee.
Why must our school have so many new teachers just after one month of holiday? And changing teachers halfway through the year when we are already getting on so well with the teachers? Why must they spoil everything that had been so perfect? Now, I just totally don't like two out of three of the new teachers! I got my english, maths and history teacher changed. I find my english teacher boring. She is like not a teacher; she doesn't have that teacher face. My maths teacher is even worse. She talks with such a straight face that I am so very lucky that I had some self-control not to fall asleep during her lesson. But I seriously don't know how long my self-control can hold out. I am not even sure if my maths teacher even have the qualifications to be a teacher. She doesn't even speak our mathematical language! Suggest another alternative to her: she will look blur and pause momentarily looking so blur. Then she will go,"Alright, that's another alternative. Very good. It's good to see that you're thinking of other alternatives." I have a doubt:- does she even understand our alternatives??? I am okay with my history teacher. It is a good thing that she is not a transferred over teacher, not like the other two. I find her lessons much more lively and brain thinking then the other two. Lucky thing that not all the teachers are like so boring. But two out of three is still enough to spoil your day. And here's the thing that I really need to scream and shout out: DON'T ASK ME TO DO WHAT I DON'T WANT TO! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT! You should know what I mean.